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Coaching for Coppers: Part 3 of 3

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In the first of this mini-series of blogs on ‘Coaching for Coppers’, I outlined what a coach does and the importance of mindset. The second one got to grips with exactly what is coaching and how it can help. This final post simply gives some brief insight as to why it works and areas to think about for your further development.

Why does coaching work?

“I am able to control only that of which I am aware. That of which I am unaware controls me. Awareness empowers me.” – John Whitmore

Building awareness and responsibility is the essence of good coaching and we are meant to grow from these interactions. If this was not the case, there would be no need for coaches.

The above quote from John Whitmore alludes to the wonderful ‘aha’ or light bulb moments that can happen in coaching sessions when you realise or learn something about yourself for the first time or else on reflection; a new significance or importance of something you already knew.

None of us are meant to make it on our own. We are meant to learn from each other. Coaching is about learning and applying that learning. Mainly, this is learning to apply and enhance something you already know.

If you are comfortable with the presupposition ‘there is no failure, only feedback’ and agree that we learn best from our mistakes; then experimenting with new approaches, testing your ideas and thoughts out with a trained coach who supports and challenges you can be a new experience. Continuing the light bulb theme…

“When you have exhausted all possibilities, remember, you haven’t.” – Thomas Edison

Coaching works because laser beam focus is brought to bear on the important things for you: your potential, your opportunities and your goals. The focus is on future possibilities, not past mistakes.

Further development…

One to one coaching complements other types of leadership development e.g. 360’ feedback and helps individuals prepare and implement plans for their personal, professional and career development.

Research has found that the most statistically significant factors contributing to career success (as measured by increases in job position and salary) are self awareness and emotional intelligence, both of which being widely recognised attributes of good leaders. Including coaching in your personal or professional development activities is a great way to develop your self awareness and emotional intelligence.

Kind Regards, Steve

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